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Scientific and practical seminar

Program of the diagnostics, correction, development, and improvement of the functional state of human body and speech using the method of biological feedback and computer program «Cardio 2.1. Logo»

approved by the St. Petersburg Academy of a postdegree pedagogical education/ Protocol №3 dated 22.02.2007 recommended by education Committee of the Government of St. Petersburg № 04-836/00 of 09.03.2007

Target audience

• Specialists – biofeedback;
• Speech therapists;
• Education psychologists;
• Pathologists
• teachers of primary, secondary, senior schools;
• teachers of preschool and school educational institutions (including specialized and special correctional institutions);
• speech therapists-aphasiologists;
• phonopaedists;
• students of pedagogical and theatrical institutes, technical schools and colleges;
• parents of children with logopathy.

Target audience Goals of scientific and practical seminar

1. To summarize the features of innovative computer technologies for the correction of speech.

2. To introduce to the program of the correction of speech, and the functional state of the human organism with the use of the method of biological feedback (BFB).

3. To get systematized, special knowledge about the methods of the implementation of the computer program on correction of speech, and functional condition by biofeedback method.

4. To improve professional skills of specialists.

Scope of application

- specialized kindergartens and child care centers;
- children and adult polyclinics;
- health, compensatory, correctional and developing centers; -centers of medical rehabilitation;
- socio-psychological, medical and pedagogical centers for children, adolescents, and adults;
- nursery homes and psycho-neurological boarding schools; -psycho - neurological departments, dispensaries;
- departments of neuroses and speech pathology;
- medical sanatoriums and preventoriums for the correction of speech, and hearing disorders;
- schools, grammar schools, colleges, technical schools, and universities;
- theatres, conservatories, philharmonic halls, houses of culture.

Scope of application Indications for use

- stuttering, logoneurosis;
- disorders of the speech rate;
- alalia;
- aphasia;
- dysarthria;
- dyslalia;
- rhinolalia;
- rhinophony;
- phonation disorders on the basis of paresis and paralysis of the larynx;
- functional voice disorders;
- dysgraphia;
- dyslexia;
- prevention of voice disorders;
- children preparation for school;
- reading and speech techniques teaching;
- rehabilitation of the organism in general.

Duration 2 weeks
Volume 24 academic hours
Form 6 lessons, 4 academic hours each

St. Petersburg, Russia


тел.: 8 (911) 298-84-97, 8 (921) 572 85 98
Office 225, 4 Gromova street, 195196, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

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