Language / Язык  
  English Russian  



General information

Speech therapy rhythmic – is a system of different correctional-motor exercises, built on the connection of word, music and movement. The method of correction of speech, based on a combination of music rhythm and movement with the use of the word; a form of an active treatment, a composite link of therapeutic rhythmic. Speech therapy rhythm is a big help and supplement to the system of the speech training, helping professionals to provide a complex psychological and logopedic, pedagogical and therapeutic effect, activating additional compensatory reserves of the child's organism (G.A. Volkova, 2010).

Goals and tasks of speech therapy rhythmic

Goal: the formation and development of speech, psychological, psycho-emotional, functional, psycho-physiological and social adaptation of a person.


Educational: activation and development of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of the elementary foundations of musical culture, etiquette, metrorhythmic, phonetics and semantics of the Russian language, a healthy way of life; the development of imagination, creativity, improvisation.

Correctional: the formation and development of higher mental functions; development of processes of self-control in motor activity: correctness skills, accuracy, speed, coordination, spatial orientation, brake processes; ability to develop speech rhythm and movement of the composition; the development of music and rhythmic abilities.

Pedagogical: development of skills of voluntary self-regulation, self-control, self-esteem and self-organization; the development of the overall aesthetic, musical and emotional culture; growth of interest in singing, movement and elementary music playing; formation of the need for creativity.

Health tasks: the formation of skills of a healthy way of life; the development of motor and sensory functions, flexibility and coordination.


1. Diagnostic / monitoring of nonverbal and verbal mental functions;

2. Behavior patterns formation that meet the standard (development and mastering of elementary etiquette behavior and good manners; development of communication skills in all kinds of educational activity).

3. Development of general motor skills (GMS): optimization and stabilization of the muscular tonus of the body; formation of the skill diaphragmatic relaxation breath type (DRB) and relaxation skills; development of fine motor skills; development of spatial relations;

4. Development of higher mental functions (HMF) - (auditory and visual perception, attention, memory, views; fine auditory verbal and nonverbal differentiations).

5. Developing the skills of active listening (the development of musical auditory images, auditory-motor and speech-rhythmic co-ordinates through the musical image in games, role-plays).

6. Formation and development of musical knowledge fundamentals.

7. Formation and development of speech rhythmic and vocal rhythmic activity.

8. Formation and development of motor-rhythmic and communication skills through exercises and elementary dance form.

9. Formation and development of skills and elementary methods of playing musical instruments, elementary ensemble playing, elementary improvisation.

Trainings on "Speech therapy rhythmic" are correctional ones but the presence of a musical component makes them truly creative, contributing to versatile, harmonious development of a personality.

- small groups (2-4 people);
- groups (10-12 people);

Classes are held one or twice a week for 45 minutes in the game, fun way.

тел.: 8 (911) 298-84-97, 8 (921) 572 85 98
Office 225, 4 Gromova street, 195196, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

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