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list of publications:

Дидактический материал для коррекции нарушений звукопроизношения. Гласные и свистящие: Методическое пособие.

Pavlova, L.N., Terecheva, M.N.

Didactic material for correction of sounds prononcuation disorders. Vowels and sibilants: Methodical manual.

Spb.: Detstvo-Press, 2004.- 240 p.

Брошюра 1

Terecheva, M.S., Pavlova, L.N. Edited by Ivanovsky, J.V.

Diagnosis and correction of non-speech and speech mental functions of preschool and younger school age children with the use of computer complex program «Cicero. LOGO diakorr 1: Educational and methodical manual.

SPb.: Publishing house LLC «Center of diagnostics and psycho-pedagogical support of family and children «CICERO», 2008. - 43 p.: table.

Брошюра 2

Terecheva, M.S., Pavlova, L.N. Edited by Ivanovosky, J.V.

Diagnosis and correction of non-speech and speech mental functions of preschool and younger school age children with the use of computer complex program «Cicero. LOGO diakorr 1». Annex 1. Part 1. Catalog of exercises for children of 6-7 years old.

SPb.: Publishing house LLC «Center of diagnostics and psycho-pedagogical support of family and children «CICERO», 2008. - 43 p.: table.

Брошюра 3

Terecheva, M.S., Pavlova, L.N. Edited by Ivanovsky, J.V.

Diagnosis and correction of non-speech and speech mental functions of preschool and younger school age children with the use of computer complex program «Cicero. LOGO diakorr 1»Annex 1. Part 2. Catalog of exercises for children 8-10 years old.

SPb.: Publishing house LLC «Center of diagnostics and psycho-pedagogical support of family and children «CICERO», 2008. - 50 p.: table.

Брошюра 4

Terecheva, M.S., Pavlova, L.N. Edited by Ivanovsky, J.V.

Diagnosis and correction of non-speech and speech mental functions of preschool and younger school age children with the use of computer complex program «Cicero. LOGO diakorr 1»Annex 2. Directory of the obtained results interpretations.

SPb.: Publishing house LLC «Center of diagnostics and psycho-pedagogical support of family and children «CICERO», 2008. - 55 p.: table.

Брошюра 5

Terecheva, M.S., Pavlova, L.N. Edited by Ivanovsky, J.V.

Computer complex correctional, diagnostic and psycho-pedagogical Program «CICERO. Logo diakorr 1: a user Guide.

SPb.: Publishing house LLC «Center of diagnostics and psycho-pedagogical support of family and children «CICERO», 2008. - 26 p: Il

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