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Publishing about the program «CICERO. Logo diakorr 1»
list of articles

1. Terecheva, M.S., Pavlova, L.N. «The program of diagnostics, correction, development and improvement of higher mental functions and speech of preschool and younger school age children with the use of complex computer correctional diagnostic Program Cicero. LOGO diakorr» / section of correctional pedagogy, Protocol no. 05 of 23.04.2007 / SPb-APPE // recommended for use by the Regional expert Council of the Committee for education of St. Petersburg (Protocol № 04-2191/0.0. from 24.05.2007г.) 2007. - 73 p.

2. Terecheva, M.S., Pavlova, L.N. Certificate of state registration of the computer program «Computer complex correctional, diagnostic and psycho-pedagogical Program «CICERO. Logo diakorr 1» / Federal state Department of the Federal Institute of industrial property (FSD FIIP)/ Moscow / №2008610829 of 18.02.2008, (application no 2007614907 of 04.12.2007)

3. Terecheva, M.S., Pavlova, L.N. The conclusion of the socio-psychological and pedagogical examination of computer program «Cicero. LOGO diakorr 1» / the Committee for education of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg Academy of a postdegree pedagogical education / no 000001/08 of 19.06.2008,

4. Terecheva, M.S., Pavlova, L.N. Edited by Ivanovsky, J.V. Diagnosis and correction of non-speech and speech mental functions of preschool and younger school age children with the use of computer complex program «Cicero. LOGO diakorr 1: Educational and methodical manual. - SPb.: Publishing house LLC «Center of diagnostics and psycho-pedagogical support of family and children «CICERO», 2008. - 43 p.: table.

5. Terecheva, M.S., Pavlova, L.N. Edited by Ivanovosky, J.V. Diagnosis and correction of non-speech and speech mental functions of preschool and younger school age children with the use of computer complex program «Cicero. LOGO diakorr 1». Annex 1. Part 1. Catalog of exercises for children of 6-7 years old. - SPb.: Publishing house LLC «Center of diagnostics and psycho-pedagogical support of family and children «CICERO», 2008. - 43 p.: table.

6. Terecheva, M.S., Pavlova, L.N. Edited by Ivanovsky, J.V. Diagnosis and correction of non-speech and speech mental functions of preschool and younger school age children with the use of computer complex program «Cicero. LOGO diakorr 1»Annex 1. Part 2. Catalog of exercises for children 8-10 years old. - SPb.: Publishing house LLC «Center of diagnostics and psycho-pedagogical support of family and children «CICERO», 2008. - 50 p.: table.

7. Terecheva, M.S., Pavlova, L.N. Edited by Ivanovsky, J.V. Diagnosis and correction of non-speech and speech mental functions of preschool and younger school age children with the use of computer complex program «Cicero. LOGO diakorr 1»Annex 2. Directory of the obtained results interpretations. - SPb.: Publishing house LLC «Center of diagnostics and psycho-pedagogical support of family and children «CICERO», 2008. - 55 p.: table.

8. Terecheva, M.S., Pavlova, L.N. Edited by Ivanovsky, YU.V. Computer complex correctional, diagnostic and psycho-pedagogical Program «CICERO. Logo diakorr 1: a user Guide. - SPb.: Publishing house LLC «Center of diagnostics and psycho-pedagogical support of family and children «CICERO», 2008. - 26 p: Il.

9. Pavlova, L.N. The use of innovative computer technologies for the diagnosis and correcting teaching of reading for younger school children. // in «the Possibilities of perceptual and semantic text processing skills development of pupils», materials of the scientific and practical seminar. Part 1./ done by Plyusnina, E.M - SPb: SSCEI №3, KOPIPARK, 2008, - p. 23-33.

10. Pavlova, L.N. The significance of the computer program «Cicero. LOGO diakorr» in the educational project «System of complex psychological-pedagogical diagnostics and correction, development, improvement of speech and higher mental functions of children of primary school age in special correctional educational institution of type V using innovative computer technologies», SPb.: .

11. Terecheva, M.S., Pavlova, L.N. Innovative computer technologies in the education system. Computer complex correctional, diagnostic and psycho-pedagogical Program «CICERO. Logo diakorr 1» /

12. Terecheva, M.S., Pavlova, L.N. Information and computer technologies as instruments of socialization of children with speech disorders /

13. Serykh, L.V., Mukhanov, L.L. Organization of lekotek work as a model of preschool education// Preschool pedagogy. - 2009. - № 7. - p. 10-13.

14. Chigintseva, Е.G., Trushnikova, E.V., Dyatlova S.D. Program «Cicero» // the Chronicles of the United Fund of electronic resources «Science and education». 2010. - no. 7 (14). (UDC 376.36)

15. Terecheva, M.N. Health saving technologies in the prevention of professional burn-out for escort service specialists. - SPb.: News of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. 2012.

16. Terecheva, M.N. Health creative technologies as the tools of language development of preschool and younger school age children. Materials of the IV Russian Forum «Pediatrics St. Petersburg: experience, innovations, achievements». 27-28 September 2012. SPb., 2012. - p. 114-117.

17. Terecheva, M.N. Diagnosis of oral speech. Classification model of objectified methods and techniques with the use of hardware: a Monograph. - SPb.: Publishing house «Cicero», 2013. - 123 p.

18. Pavlova, L.N. The use of innovative computer technologies in diagnostics and treatment of non-speech and speech mental functions for younger schoolchildren with serious speech disorders (SSD), with deviations in development and poor health./ Improvement of methods of diagnostics and correction of disorders of speech for children with different variants of dysontogenesis: materials of the I international scientific conference dedicated to the memory of Dr. of pedagogical science, prof.R.I.Lalaeva, November 29, 2012 / Edited by Professor V.N. Skvortsova. - SPb: Leningrad state University. Pushkin, 2012. - 448 p. - p. 300-305.

19. Pavlova, L.N. Speech therapy rhythms in correction of non-speech mental functions for children with serious speech disorders, disabilities and poor health. // Special education: materials of the VIII international scientific conference. 26-27 April 2012 / Edited by Professor V.N. Skvortsova. - SPb: Leningrad state University. Pushkin, 2012. - I. II. - p. 147 - 153.

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