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The value of the computer program "CICERO. Logo diakorr 1" in the educational project "System of complex psycho-pedagogical diagnostics, correction, development, improvement of speech and higher mental functions of children of primary school age of a special correctional educational institution of type V with application of innovative computer technologies"

Pavlova L.N., Special (correctional) Educational Institution School №3 for children with speech disorders of Krasnogvardeisky district, teacher and speech therapist, St. Petersburg.

Currently, there are some changes in the education system associated with the humanizing, individualization, and complexity in approaches to solving problems of a particular child. They encourage the creation of new models, the search of new forms and technologies of specialized help to children with problems in development, training, communication and behavior.

школа № 3
школа № 3

In SSCEI school № 3 for children with serious speech disorders of V-type in St. Petersburg the "Program of development" from 2005-2010, which envisages the development of the school according to the adaptive model, has been developed. Under the implementation of "Program of development" our speech therapists conduct the pilot Project "System of complex psychological-pedagogical diagnostics and correction, development, improvement of nonverbal and verbal mental functions for children of primary school age of the special correctional educational institution of V-type applying the innovative computer technologies".

The Project goal: Development and improvement of the scientifically proved system of complex psychological and pedagogical diagnostics and correction, development, improvement of speech and higher mental functions of primary school age children with serious speech disorders of the special correctional educational institution of V-type with the use of innovative technologies - a professional, program-methodical complex product "CICERO.Logo diakorr 1", "CICERO.Logo diakorr 2." [LLC "Cicero", St. Petersburg].

The content (structure) of the Project.
To achieve the goals and objectives the work is held in three stages.

The first stage "Diagnostics" – from September till November.

Psychological and pedagogical test is conducted according to five specified techniques and programs. The goal of the first stage: optimization of process (efficiency improvement) of the complex psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of verbal and nonverbal mental functions of elementary school pupils of SSCEI of V-type: the formation of the individual profile of medical, psychological, pedagogical and social development of the child; the package of documents for speech diagnostics. The planning of individual targeted for correction and development route of psychological and pedagogical support of each pupil.

The second stage "Correction and development" - during the school year.

The goal of the second stage: Increase of adaptive abilities of the child through the correction, development and improvement of nonverbal and verbal mental functions, including the reading process.

The third stage "Analysis and Forecast" April - May.

The goal of the third stage: identifying the dynamics of work on correction, development and improvement of nonverbal and verbal mental functions (including the process of reading) on the basis of a complex diagnostics of objective statistical data; to determine the closest and distant sphere of child development.

School children show the variety and complexity of speech defects, certain peculiarities of mental development due to the presence of organic disorders of the central nervous system, which are often accompanied by general somatic weakening.

To identify the structure and mechanisms of defects in serious speech disorders and to get more objective data about the pupils speech therapists of our institution perform a complex diagnostics using innovative computer technologies:

1) Diagnostics with the help of computer complex psychological and pedagogical correction-diagnostics program "CICERO.Logo diakorr 1". A specialist has the ability to conduct multi-level diagnostics of nonverbal and verbal mental functions: from screening, monitoring and differential to in-depth, systematic, complex diagnostics.

The program provides the specialist with ready and developed games, exercises and questionnaires with a list of all the possible answers. The presence of block for statistical processing of the obtained results in the program "CICERO. Logo diakorr 1" helps the specialist to implement the main purpose of diagnostics:

•to get objective individual profile of medical, psychological, pedagogical and social development of the child,
• on the basis of the obtained data to form an individual, targeted route of psychological and pedagogical support of the patient.

2) Validation of the methodological developments and statistics of the diagnostic part of the Program "CICERO.Logo diakorr 2" for the creation of statistical tables and charts of the speech development of the pupil, profiles of success in reading.

3) With the help of computer program “CICERO.Logo diakorr 1” 32 first-graders had their nonverbal and verbal mental functions corrected, developed and improved:

• hearing and visual attention (auditory and visual adjustments and differentiations), perceptions, views, memory, thought processes, optical spatial gnosis, and praxis, motor skills; auditory-motor coordination; analytic-synthetic activity;
• increase and intensification of child's vocabulary;
• eyes preparation for reading and writing;
• prevention of verbal, psychological and school disadaptation;
• application of these skills in the system of child's adaptation to micro - and macro society;
• will personal traits: activity, consciousness, purposefulness, and perseverance;
• formation of skills of self-control, self-regulation and self-organization.

The results of the "Diagnostics", "Correction and development" and "Analysis and forecast" stages, identifying problems, and results.

школа № 3
школа № 3

32 first graders were diagnosed and corrected and 44 second graders were only diagnosed during the project. After the completion of the course of complex psychological and pedagogical diagnostics (at the end of the Ist and IInd stages), consultations were held (joint MPP meetings) for each class with the participation of teachers, specialists of the support services, members of SMPC, and administration. At these meetings the following was discussed:

1 - results of the joint complex diagnostic and correctional work;
2 - results of each pupil, with the provision of documents and objective statistics about the level of development of nonverbal mental functions, psychophysiological state of the organism; comparing of these indicators with the level of development of oral, writing, reading, the training success rate.
3 - results of the class as a whole for the same positions with the consideration of the success charts;
4 - the customized itineraries of focused correctional psychological and pedagogical support of each pupil were developed;
5 - the further development of nonverbal and verbal mental functions, psychophysiological state of the organism of pupils was forecasted; there were discussions about their interrelation and interaction with the level of development of oral, writing, reading, the training success rate.

During the joint MPP meetings the results of complex diagnostics were discussed. The application of innovative technologies allowed to get objective statistics - various complementary documents for personal files of pupils.

Diagnostics with the help of computer complex psychological and pedagogical correctional and diagnostic program "CICERO.Logo diakorr 1" provides test results in the form of statistically processed individual and group reports.

Individual reports are presented as follows:

1) "Speech map" document, including personal data, the data about the family, medical history; the results and conclusions of the survey of nonverbal mental functions:

«Речевая карта»

2) "Chart of assessments" report, received by a child during the diagnostics, which represent an individual profile of medical, psychological, pedagogical and social development of the child.

«Диаграмма оценок»

3) "Comparison of assessment diagrams» report – a diagram which represents the individual profile of the dynamics of psychological and pedagogical development of the child, which compares his scores of any two diagnostic courses (from several courses carried out by a specialist):

«Сравнение диаграмм оценок»

4) "Comparison of diagnostic cards" report - a table containing a comparison of the text of the conclusions of the questionnaires received by the child through two diagnostic courses selected by the specialist (out of four). This report includes only those sections which show the dynamics:

«Сравнение диагностических карт»

Group reports are presented in a form of tables:

1) "The list report" is a list of pupils that had a course of diagnostics and correction for the selected period, indicating the age, speech therapist conclusion, related diagnoses, the number of passing diagnostic and correctional courses with the indication of the dynamics of courses in points:

«Списочный отчет»

2) "Summary report on the diagnoses"- is a list of patients who have taken the course of diagnostics (correction) during the selected period with the indication of their speech and related diagnoses (neurological, physical, health groups) (see table. №1.)

Table № 1. Summary report on the diagnoses (pupils of the first grade of SSCEI №3

Summary report on the diagnoses (pupils of the first grade) for the period from 11.03.2007 till 01.03.2008
Completed the course of diagnostics: 32 people
Completed the course of correction: 32 people.
Of them with the following diagnoses:
Conclusions of specialists
Number of pupils

Table № 1. Statistics of speech and related disorders in the first classes of SSCEI №3.

  Заключения специалистов
Кол-во  учащихся
Кол-во  учащихся
(в %)
Логопедические заключения Общее недоразвитие речи I уровня
Общее недоразвитие речи II уровня
Общее недоразвитие речи III уровня
Общее недоразвитие речи IV уровня
Лексико-грамматическое недоразвитие речи (ЛГНР)
Фонетико-фонематическое нарушение речи (ФФНР)
Выход из алалии
Нарушения темпо-ритмических характеристик речи
Нарушения голоса
Медицинские заключения  
Нервно-психические заболевания: Перинатальная энцефалопатия (ПЭП)
Минимальная мозговая дисфункция (ММД)
Резидуальное органическое поражение центральной нервной системы (РОПЦНС)
Детский церебральный паралич (ДЦП)
Задержка созревания ВПФ
Сенсомоторная недостаточность
Хронические соматические заболевания: Кардио-патология
Бронхо-легочная патология
Патология опорно-двигательного аппарата
Эндокринная патология
Урологическая патология
Группа здоровья I
IV, инвалид с детства

2) Diagnostics with the help of computer complex psychological and pedagogical correction-diagnostic program "CICERO.Logo diakorr 2." provides the results of the study of verbal mental functions of pupils (including the success in reading) in the form of statistical individual and group reports, similar to the form presented in the first part of the program "CICERO.Logo diakorr 1»", in sections:

• phonemic perception;
• sound-syllabic structure;
• mimic motor skills;
• articulation motor skills;
• pronunciation of sounds;
• phonematic analysis-synthesis of presentation;
• syllabic analysis-synthesis of presentation;
• language analysis-synthesis of presentation;
• lexico-grammatical structure (impressive speech);
• lexico-grammatical structure (expressive speech);
• individual coherent speech.

Practical significance of the research is in the fact that the system of complex psychological-pedagogical diagnostics and correction, development, improvement of nonverbal and verbal mental functions with the use of computer complex psychological and pedagogical correction-diagnostic program "CICERO.Logo diakorr" by students of primary school age with serious speech disorders in special correctional educational institution of V-type gives the following opportunities to the team of teachers and specialists:

  1. to carry out multilevel diagnostics of verbal and nonverbal mental functions (in-depth, systematic, complex; screening; monitoring; differential);
  2. to obtain objective and comprehensive results of the research of the problems and peculiarities of development of pupils, more fully and accurately identifying the defect structure and mechanisms of its formation combined with severe speech disorders in the form of individual objective profile of psychological and pedagogical development not only of each child, but also of selected group of patients;
  3. to compare several received diagnostics results of pupils survey (level of biological resource, adaptive capacity, formation of training skills, development of nonverbal and verbal mental functions of pupils);

  4. to build and plan individual targeted corrective and developing route of psychological and pedagogical support of each pupil (including for the organization of remedial education of reading) more precisely, and expediently;
  5. to follow the dynamics of correctional diagnostic results of lessons of each child and selected groups of patients;
  6. to develop more complete recommendations for the support specialists and educators for the organization of the proper strategy and tactics of coordinated work of all links of educational process on the individual guidance and support of each child;
  7. to optimize the processes of diagnostics and correction of serious combined speech defects; to reduce the period of formation of new study skills and rehabilitation process;
  8. to facilitate the process of documentation: speech cards; prospective planning; annual reports;
  9. to optimize the work of a specialist during consultations, consultations, meetings, parent-teacher meetings; scientific-research work;
  10. to organize and conduct during the year the monitoring and analysis of the efficiency of correctional-developing work of support services specialists on the basis of statistical data;
  11. to ensure a high level of motivation of pupils at all stages of work;
  12. to assist in creating conditions that help pupils with different educational needs and possibilities to achieve the established standard of training.

Innovative computer technologies that are used in project- complex psychological and pedagogical correction-diagnostic programs "CICERO.Logo diakorr 1." and "CICERO. Logo diakorr 2." give an opportunity to support service specialists and teachers in their diagnostic and correctional-developing work to take account of the intellectual, psychosomatic, psycho-emotional peculiarities of the development of each child, modulating the different methods of correctional training under the individual profile of child development.

Complex psychological and pedagogical diagnostics help to organize and ensure unified documentary information space, where the practicable integrated cooperation of specialists (speech therapists, special education teachers, psychologists, social pedagogues, doctors), and teachers is possible not only in one institution, but in the framework of the district, city, region.

Thus, the introduction of innovative computer technologies in the educational pilot Project to develop a "System of complex psychological pedagogical diagnostics and correction, development, improvement of speech and higher mental functions of children of primary school age SCEI of V-type » represents not just an attempt to implement one of the parts of the concept of adaptive school model but is one of the leading terms of ensuring the new level and quality of education.

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