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Adaptation as a main indicator of health, is a process that is especially important for the micro - and macro socialization. The concept of adaptation unites in its diverse manifestations biological and social adaptation, each associated with a communicative activities and speech adaptation.

Speech adaptation to learning in school of preschool and younger school age children with normal and abnormal development of bilingual children has its own peculiarities.

The model of objectified diagnostic technologies classification and normalization of speaking with the use of hardware is created to solve the speech adaptation in the face of the complex impact of multiple risk factors. In the course of the study the experts revealed some peculiarities of organization, process and outcome of the use of health technologies in the system of adaptation and speech adaptation of the participants of pedagogical interaction.

Научная Деятельность - Проекты -  Адаптация

Research approbation of the project
«Adaptation of the human body to the environment with the use of BFB method»

- Deynorov, E. Biofeedback technology in education is necessary for everybody// the Health of Russia and Biofeedback. - 2002. - №2. - p. 20 - 22.

- Deynorov, E. With care about young residents of St.Petersburg // Izvestiya. - 2002. 25 March.

- Deynorov, E. Speech correction with the use of RAH method - Biofeedback is necessary for everybody: Interview with Terecheva, M.N. // Preschool pedagogy. - 2002. - № 5(9). - p. 31-35.

- Martynova, O.V. Method of biological feedback in the prevention and rehabilitation of children of primary school age and educators // Health of Russia and biofeedback. - 7 - April 14, 2002 / theses of the report. - SPb., 2002. - p. 84 - 85.

- Petrushkova, N.V. Method of biological feedback for children with deviations in psycho-physical development // the Health of Russia and biofeedback. - 7 - April 14, 2002 / theses of the report - SPb., 2002. – p. 116 - 117.

- Petrushkova, N.V. Method of biological feedback - respiratory arrhythmia of the heart (RAH biofeedback) for children with problems in the psycho-physical development// the Health of Russia and biofeedback. - 16 - 23 March 2003 / theses of the report - SPb., 2003. - p. 167.

- Sergeyeva, T. A. Implementation of biofeedback technologies in the educational process // Health of Russia and biofeedback. - 7 - April 14, 2002 / theses of the report - SPb., 2002. - p. 130 - 132.

- Sergeyeva, T. A. Healthy generation - healthy future// Health of Russia and biofeedback. - 16 - 23 March 2003 / theses of the report - SPb., 2003. - p. 192 - 194.

- Smetankin, A. A. There is such a school subject - health // the Health of Russia and biofeedback - 2003. - №1. - p. 20 - 24.

- Smetankin, A.A., Smetankina S.I/ Method for determining the tactics of correction of the schoolchildren functional state / a Patent for invention №: 2233180. - CJSC «BIOSVYAZ» - 27.07.2004.

- Stavrova, Yu. Yu. Method of biological feedback as the means for prevention and adaptation of the preschool child organism to environment // the Health of Russia and biofeedback. - 7 - April 14, 2002 / theses of the report - SPb., 2002. - p. 144 - 145.

- Tatarnikova, L.G. Valeology in pedagogical space: Monograph-essay. - SPb.: Chrismas +, 2003. - p. 93-94.

- Terecheva, M. S. Implementation of the method of biological feedback in the system of comprehensive correction and functional state in the framework of the project «Adaptation of the human body to the environment» // Problems of education conduct: instruction, education, health and quality. Materials of the 5th scientific session of the Department of education. Saint - Petersburg 2002. - p. 95 - 98.

- Terecheva, M. S. Biofeedback technology in the educational system, St. Petersburg // Health Russia and biofeedback. - 7 - April 14, 2002 / theses of the report - SPb., 2002. - p. 152 - 155.

- Terecheva, M. S. Implementation of biological feedback technology in the system of education - as one of the leading terms of education quality assurance // Health Russia and biofeedback. - 16 - 23 March 2003 / theses of the report - SPb., 2003. - p. 204 - 208.

- Terecheva, M. S. Diagnostics and correction of speech defects using the method of biological feedback in the system of education // the New generation: Educational collection International inter-academic Union №4 Ed. by B. F. Kvasha. - SPb, 2003. - p. 546 - 562.

- Terecheva, M.S., Pavlova, L.N. «The program of diagnostics, correction, development and improvement of speech and of the functional state of the human body using the method of biological feedback and computer program «Cardio 2.1. Logo» / section of correctional pedagogy, Protocol № 02 dated 01.03.2007 / SPb-APPE // recommended for use by the Regional expert Council of the Committee for education of St. Petersburg (№ 04-836/0.0. of 09.03.2007) 2007.- 83 p.

- Cheremnykh, N. I., Serebryakova, O. N. Method of biological feedback in rehabilitation and adaptation of the school-age child organism to environment // the Health of Russia and biofeedback. - 7 - April 14, 2002 / theses of the report - SPb., 2002. - p. 172 - 173.

- Shingaev, S.M. Psychological support of professional health educators / guidelines. - SPb. - Committee for education of St. Petersburg government, SPB-APPE. - 2011. p. 112-113.

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